Friday, September 24, 2010

Chateau Chenonceau

This castle is elegant and unique in our opinion.  We have visited it before and we keep coming back.  It was built in the 16th century and was known as the ladies chateau. 

They were very powerful women I might add.   (does "Off with their head" sound familiar?)   It was built over the River Cher and there are two halls that are art galleries over top of the arches on the right side over the river. 

While walking through the art galleries the river flows under you and there is a lot of light coming through ancient stained glass windows. 

The paintings are larger than life and     hundreds of years old!  The place is truly spectacular.

The front door is about 20 ft. tall.  It was hand sculpted and carved out of wood then painted with the coat of arms of the man and woman who first built the chateau.

Sorry about all the extra space in between pics, I still am fighting with this site to arrange things the way I want it to  look. 

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